Factories & Sustainability
Ethical and sustainable fashion

Our goal is to create beautiful designed, high quality, high performance pieces that will last as long as possible. Let’s say good-bye to fast fashion. Each style is made in small batches with limited numbers so there is no waste. We support small businesses, with our fabric supplier and also each of our partnered-manufacturers being small family-run businesses. All our courier bags and product packaging are made of 100% recyclable materials. Of course, no brand is perfect, and the most sustainable item you own will always be the one you already have in your wardrobe. But we won’t stop until we are the best we can be, and we’ll always aim to provide you with sustainable styles at competitive prices for whenever you choose to shop. To learn more about the fabrics that we use, head to our Fabric page.
We care about how our products are made. This means that we work with a number of different factories, depending on what we’re making, and how it’s made. We are working with small family-run factories in Thailand. We have a very close relationship with our main manufacturer and their 50 employees which is important to maintaining trust, making progress, and helping the small local community. The factory supports all employees and the local community via coaching schemes, learning and development programs, providing health and safety protocol including Covid-19 support and procedures. We personally diligence the factory to ensure fair wages, working hours, overtime pay, and labour practises.
We truly believe in the power of community, in empowering, supporting, and lifting each other. Together we Rise Above It all.
Here is Dang. She is 46 years old. She is from Amnat Charoen, Thailand. She has been working as a machinist for over 20 years. She is one of the lovely people who makes clothes for RAIA.
Fabrics Factory in Thailand (Employees : 125 persons)
In the factory where the AirRise fabrics have been manufactured, the production methods have been accredited by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). This independent certification looks at the entire textile supply chain, ensuring organic fibres are used and certain nasty chemicals banned. There is also a focus on waste reduction and checks on the working conditions. Also, this factory is OEKO-TEX accredited, meaning that no harmful substances are used in the making of these clothes. We truly care about where and how all of our products are made and processed; not just the contents/finished products. Moreover, they are a clean energy factory by having solar panels installed for renewable energy for some of their energy needs.
Oeko-Tex is a European toxicity test that evaluates textiles for the presence of a broad array of harmful substances that may cause potential health impacts through direct skin contact. Four classes of certification are granted to textiles that meet or fall below specified limits for a broad array of chemicals.
The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is a voluntary product standard for tracking and verifying the content of recycled materials in a final product. It also sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices, and chemical restrictions.
The Organic Content Standard (OCS) is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of certified organic input and chain of custody. The goal of the OCS is to increase organic agriculture production. limits for a broad array of chemicals.
Sustainability initiatives
Working with GUSCO, an accredited company specializing in industrial waste water treatment as well as the recycling of water up to environmental standards to make sure water is not being left untreated.
The textile industry uses substantial quantities of caustic (sodium hydroxide) to clean and prepare fabrics for dyeing The Caustic Soda Recovery Plant was recently built in Gamma Dye House to “recycle” the used Caustic to be reuseable again without having to dispose of it into the environment after one time. This helps to reduce caustic waste discharge and reduce energy requirements.
Investment in new Jet dyeing innovative machine called ACME AM-ICD. It is an Intelligent Conveyor Drive High Pressure Constant Speed Dyeing machine. With its extremely low liquor ratio (1:2.5-5.0), the AM-ICD helps to save energy, reduce carbon, save water, steam, power energy, chemical consumption and reduce effluent more than 60%. (http://www.acmemach.com.tw)
Sustainability focused in the processes
Committed to the implementation of progressive environmental practices as a matter of corporate and design philosophy.
Sought a detailed understanding of its environmental impact and, through its approach to product and practices have articulated specific long-term goals for reduction.
To reduce the Environmental Impact of Products
committed to developing products with reduced environmental impact and to continually avoid materials and substances that could be harmful to human health. Through constant assessment of product components and manufacturing processes, goals for reduction are established. These goals apply to the re-engineering of existing products and the development of new products.